• Moments-of-joy on Facebook

Group outing, games and toys for abused and ex-slave children in the Proshanti Shelter, Bangladesh

The abuse and kidnapping of young women and children is a big problem in Bangladesh. Sometimes the children just disappear; sometimes the parents or young women are misled by intermediaries and go voluntarily to another country where they are promised nice jobs and better lives, only to end up as prisoner/slave in the direst of circumstances. Especially in the case of young children it is often very difficult to trace them and get them back. A lot of people in the country do not have anything to gain by exposing such wrongs, and abuse and murder are often ignored or glossed over.
€ 2830,--

Beds and a deepfreeze for an orphanage in Zimbabwe, 2498 Euros

Queen Elizabeth Children's Home is a home for orphans, abused and abandoned children in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. The home is run by the Church of the Seventh Day Adventists and houses 30 children in the ages of 11 months to 10 years, some of whom are HIV positive. The staff receives some income from donations of people in the neighbourhood and by running a pre-school.
€ 2498,--

Weekend outing for the children of the Prasoro Foundation

The Prasoro Foundation for the child in need has organised a weekend outing with the help of Moments of Joy for their pupils and their staff. Read more....
€ 2.200,-