• Moments-of-joy on Facebook

Costumes Children's Dance-Course

Isai Maiyam Foundation brings back joy in the lives of underpriviliged children through music and dance

€ 800,-

Tiny Miracles, Mumbai, India


In Mumbai, India, the Tiny Miracles Foundation is active with various projects for the Pardeshi Community. This group of people has been living in one of the suburbs of Mumbai for four generations. Their traditional occupation is cane work. The community consists of approx. 1000 people and Tiny Miracles focuses on the children of this community, specifically on the 120 girls in the age from 6 – 18 years old.
€ 1.500,-

School Excursion for poor children, India

The Dutch foundation 'Stichting Derde Wereld Hulp (SDWH)' helps with sheltering children in Vijayawada, India and would like to take the kids on a field trip
€ 1.100,-

A school trip for HIV infected orphans, India

We want to take 74 HIV infected orphans from the Tulip Garden Orphanage in the poor district of Andrah Pradesh, India on a day trip to a swimmingpool. 
€ 750,--

It is holiday season! A day out for the children of Tulip Garden orphanage, India

Wouldn't it be fun if these children would also have a real school outing....read more!
€ 1.500,--