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Medical Checks for Children in Mude Nepal

Medical Checks for Children is active all over the world to medically check and treat children in poverty stricken areas. In 2010 MCC checked approx. 13.000 children on three different continents.
€1.500 - €6.000
€ 1.250

An eye for Sidi

Sidi is a young Kenian woman (nobody knows exactly what age she is, but it must be early twenties) whose face was burnt to the bone when she fell into an open fire while
having an epileptic fit. She lay in a rural hospital with nothing being done
for 18 months, maggots kept her face clean. The hospital used to wheel her
out in a wheelbarrow and hose her down. No one wanted to touch her. Sidi's
mother was banned from the hospital because she was asking for help when
they could give none. This all happened some years ago.

€ 530

Toys, outing and medication for children with cancer in Bangladesh

Toys, outing and medication for children with cancer in Bangladesh 
€ 3.000