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Schoolmaterials voor 100 children from disadvantaged areas in Paramaribo, Surinam

In and around Paramaribo Surinam, there is a lot of poverty. Because of this parents cannot afford the cost of schoolmaterials they would have to provide themselves.... read more 
€ 440,--

Camping in Babunhol by the Children of the Prasaro Foundation.

Via the VDZ Foundation,  Moments of Joy helps fund projects of the Prasaro Foundation in Surinam . This Foundation runs a few houses in which they provide housing for children in the ages of 5 – 10 years old. Some of these children don't have any parents and there are also children whose parents can't take care of them anymore or that have been left to take care of themselves.

Educational materials for summercamp orphans, Surinam.

The Prosaro Foundation focuses on the child and has been organizing projects for them for several years. Their newest upcoming project is one that would like to realize summer camps for children without parents.

Weekend outing for the children of the Prasoro Foundation

The Prasoro Foundation for the child in need has organised a weekend outing with the help of Moments of Joy for their pupils and their staff. Read more....
€ 2.200,-