A clubhouse for the soccerclub and a secondhandshop to generate money for the soccerschool Leoes de Holanda (leeuwen van Holland) at the project Centro de encontro in Mozambique.
The situation in Mozambique is still troublesome. Kidnapping and robberies are an every day occurance and they are getting more violent. Our project was victim too as our clubhouse and the second handshop were broken into and everything was taken, which is of course a disaster for our modest project. We started it up again and even hired an armed guard to protect our supplies. The local police is corrupted en even rents out weapons to criminals.it is truly a bananarepublic and to make things worse lately there has been more reilious unrest between muslims and Christians. A lot of people are afraid for a return to a civil was state. In these somber times centro de encontro is trying to be a safe haven for the poorest children of the city of Maputo. Through education but also sports , dance and Music centro de encontro is trying to give the children a happier youth and moments of joy.
To support one of the most successful projects of centro de encontro we started a soccer clubhouse and a secondhand shop to generate more money. The soccerschool was renamed this year into 'Leoes de Holanda' (lions of holland) and has nurtured young talents who made it as professional socerplayers into the 1st and 2nd liga clubs. These kids are now able to earn their living. Often they also return as trainers to our project or as coaches for a new generation of talented soccerplayers which is important for developing continuity for the school. This year there were again a lot of organized games and tournaments both in the local area as for the regular competition. And this year we started a few more girls teams again. To financially support these activities and to make the soccerschool less dependent on donations the clubhouse an shop revenues will help to generate money.
Sport canteen and recycle shop for street children’s football club in Maputo, Mozambique
Centro de Encontro is an independent NGO that has organised many activities for street children in Maputo over the past 15 years. The Dutch Rene Boezaard started this project in 1994 en was able to hand over the organisation to a local staff who were trained by himself in 2000. The staff works together with many volunteers from the area.
The street children from the poor districts of the city Maputo attending this football club lead a difficult life in a neighbourhood where crime is the order of the day. The football school aims to get these children out of this criminal environment, even if only for the duration of a match. The school now exists already for more than 10 years and has a lot of trainers who started here as young boys.
To not fully dependent on donors Centro de Encontro recently started a canteen and a recycle shop next to the training field of the club Nova Alianca with which they have worked together for years. The canteen and recycle shop are painted in the colour blue of the project so they can be identified as part of the project. It worked fine and was able to make a profit within a short time after the launch. Unfortunately then burglars stole the complete contents of the shop in spite of the fact that the project had hired a guard and the shed was equipped with iron doors and bars for the windows.
This guard is now imprisoned in the local police station on suspicion of complicity. In the future there will be an armed guard and a watchdog.
The staff hopes to be able to open again soon, because the revenues of the shop are needed urgently. .
List of the most necessary goods:
Furniture and kitchen materials:
Refrigerator € 235
4 tables € 250
16 chairs € 165
Stove € 75
Radio € 75
And for the auctions in the cycle shop:
An amplifier € 103
Sound boxes € 118
Electrical wires €44
Concrete iron to make a box to protect expensive materials € 60
TOTAL € 1125,--