Funding for Boats and Gear for Fishermen Affected by Typhoon
Phillippines, € 4.000,-
The fishermen are doing fine, making a living for their families. They are even able to save some money for repairs.
Amongst the most stricken by the typhoon in the Philippines are poor fishermen. Many of them have lost both family members and their source of income: boats and fishing gear. Five fishermen in Cebu now formed an association and are in need of funds to buy a second hand boat and fishing gear.
Our project finder in the Philippines, Rainier Belleza, who lives and works on Cebu Island, has helped five fishermen who lost their boats to form an association. They live in the coastal area of barrio Malbago, Madridejos, Bantayan Island, off the tip of northwestern Cebu. (Around one hour by boat from the nearest local port.) The association needs a fishing outrigger boat which can carry at least 5 persons plus the necessary fishing gear. Their daily catch will be shared for their consumption and the rest will be sold. Proceeds from their sales will serve to provide for their respective families. Our project finder has formulated a Code of Conduct and an Affidavit of Agreement.
Their daily catch and share of proceeds of the Malbago Progressive Fishermen’s Association
shall be monitored on a monthly basis for at least a year to determine if the project works according to plan.
Fishing boat with outrigger and
one diesel engine PhP 120,000.00 (1,987 Euros)
Fishing gears (for different fishing methods):
For catching needlefish 1 set 10,000.00 (166 Euros)
For catching flying fish 1 set 20,000.00 (331 Euros
For catching stingrays 1 set 10,000.00 (166 Euros)
Fish traps to catch assorted 100 fish traps 60,000.00 (993 Euros)
fishes with air-compressor to
oxygenate the fishermen when
Add: - Cost of logistics (travels across the sea, etc.): 10,000.00 (166 Euros)
- Gov’t. fees to register the fishing boat with the
Phil. Coast Guard (PCG) and the Bureau of
Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR): 8,000.00 (132 Euros)
Total budget for the project: PhP 238,000.00 (3,941.00 Euros)