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Building Materials for Victims Typhoon

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Basic building materials for 10 families whose houses were wiped out

Philippines, € 2010,-

Most severely affected by the terrible typhoon that hit the Philippines on November 8 are the informal settlers (commonly known as squatters) whose makeshift dwellings were completely wiped out.

Our project finder in Cebu – Rainier Belleza, a building contractor – asked for our support in helping ten (10) severely affected families in the depressed area of (old) Bantayan in the town of Daan at the tip of northern Cebu.

The relief assistance will be in the form of basic construction materials for each family. The heads of the families can do the rebuilding by themselves with the help of relatives, friends or neighbours. Although the housing materials would not suffice to rebuild a complete shanty, it is at least a good start of its reconstruction and would offer the families walls and a roof above their heads. The ten families will be chosen through a lottery or raffle, not an uncommon system in the Philippines.
As Rainier says: “It is obvious that quite a number of people are affected and we sympathize with all unlucky families. Inasmuch much as we would like to help everybody, resources are limited. If you come to think of it, to alleviate the suffering of even a single person is fulfilment enough.”
By helping ten families we would make a big difference in their lives.

For ten basic sets of building materials and some basic tools they would need:

Corr. g.i. roofing sheets #26 12 pcs.
Plain g.i. roofing sheets #26 3 “
Roof nails 3 kgs.
1/4“ thick ordinary plywood 12 sheets
2”x 2”x 8’ coconut lumber 30 pcs.
Assorted common nails 10 kgs.
Hammer 1 pc.
Saw 1 pc.
Tin snip 1 pc.

Budget per family: € 167,50 (PhP 9,965.00)
Subtotal 10 families €1675
Transport € 335
Total: € 2010

TOTAL € 2010,--