ARTE ACCION is a cultural organization which was set up after hurricane Mitch (November 1998) to bring relief and joy to people in the destroyed capital city, Tegucigalpa, who had lost their homes. After this project, the artists decided to continue and work towards the consolidation of Arte ACCION as an association that projects artists and promotes art as an integral part of community development. Art brings alternative opportunities for recreation, expression, communication and social integration to people who do not normally have access to this.
Earlier this year, Moments of Joy paid for a professional light-set for Arte Accion's performances.
This time, Arte Accion is asking for help in paying the transport costs for teenagers from Amarateca who have been offered a computer course in the capital, free of charge. Amarateca is a ghetto-like village with a lot of street-gang violence. The course is a great opportunity for the development of these youngsters, but there is no money for their transport to and from the capital. Arte Accion, which normally focuses exclusively on the social-cultural side of development, has decided to try and scrape the money together because they are convinced that these youngsters in particular (who are also active in the dance, theatre and circus groups of Arte Accion) should be able to grab every chance they get to further educate themselves. The youngsters are between 16 and 18 years old, they are part of an 'at risk' group that is close to the street gangs and Arte Accion would like to offer them constructive distraction and new alternatives.
At the computer school in Tegucigalpa the free course is offered to two groups of eight kids. For ten weeks they get daily lessons and are taught how to work with windows, MS office, Excell, PowerPoint and internet; in other words: all basic computer skills. At the moment, eight boys are attending the course and doing well. They have been following lessons for four weeks, every day from eight to ten in the morning. This means that they have to be on the road before seven, because it is a 40 minutes drive to the city. They travel together in public transport buses; one return ticket costs one Euro. After their daily lessons they report to Arte Accion and get their Euro for the next day. (This is to ensure that they do spend the money on the transport.)
After the boys, eight girls will get a chance to follow the same course.
The transport costs are one Euro per person per day, five days a week for ten weeks in total. This adds up to 50 Euro per person, 400 Euros for the whole group of girls. In addition, there is still a shortfall of 100 Euro for the boys.
Therefore, a total amount of 500 Euro is needed for the computer kids.
Transport is also becoming a big problem for the younger children that attend the art workshops of Arte Accion. The people of Arte Accion now drive up and down from Amarateca to Teguciglapa several times a week to be able to teach the children in their own premises - free of fear and aggression. They hire small busses for this purpose, but ideally Arte Accion would like to have its own second-hand bus. This wish is hard to realise as a good second-hand bus costs around 8,000 Euro. An urgent appeal is made by Arte Accion to sponsors to help in raising funds for a bus.
Meanwhile, Moments of Joy would like to make a contribution of 400 Euro to the general transport fund so the people of Arte Accion can go on hiring busses.
TOTAL € 900,--