Cameras for children in the Homeless World
Rapid urbanisation and the growing rift between rich and poor are causing a steady increase in the number of homeless young people in the world. Their lives are often the subject of photo's, newspaper reports and television documentaries.
Rarely do you see the world through the eyes of the homeless themselves though.
Homeless World is an international contemporary photo project that focuses attention on the position of the homeless in the world and generates income for projects for homeless people. The project aims at allowing young homeless people to look at themselves and their surroundings in a new way that enables them to improve their situation.
Around 100 homeless people - aged between 8 and 14 - from 11 big cities in different countries will get a photo workshop and then photograph their lives with disposable camera's. The photos will be shown in a traveling exhibition, the opening of which is at the international arts fair in June 2002 in Jakarta. The 100 best pictures - with articles - will be published in a book. The best 12 will form a calendar.
From the initiators of the project - a Dutch publisher in Amsterdam and a Dutch journalist based in Jakarta - to the people training the children - everybody working for this project does so free of charge.
Proceeds will go to social projects for the homeless children. And the best photographers amongst them will get extra training to be able to become professional.
Homeless World asked Moments of Joy to pay for all cameras's and films -
TOTAL € 3712,--