Via the VDZ Foundation, Moments of Joy helps fund projects of the Prasaro Foundation in Surinam . This Foundation runs a few houses in which they provide housing for children in the ages of 5 – 10 years old. Some of these children don't have any parents and there are also children whose parents can't take care of them anymore or that have been left to take care of themselves.
They live in houses with 7 children and one care person. They run 10 of these kind of houses. Moments of Joy, together with the VDZ Foundation, has made it possible for the children to go camping for a weekend with their caretakers. On the 26th of September 2013 they left for Babunhol, a river resort on the Surinam River approx.. 80 km from capital Paramaribo. After 1 ½ hours they reached the destination. All the children were excited and enthusiastic. After a warm welcome the children took a swim in the Surinam River, went for a walk in the forest en relaxed in the hammocks in between the trees. They slept in the hammocks as well which was very exciting for most children as they hadn't done that before. The children and their caretakers had a lovely weekend. Children, staff and board of Prasaro Foundation thanked Moments of Joy for a super weekend in which the children had the chance to relax and have fun.