The Nkashe school lies in a rural area, 22 km from the town Gwanda, 130 km.from Bulawayo. The area is too dry and the harvest of 2002 was bad. Since most of the parents are dependent on agriculture for their living, those that did not turn to illegal gold panning are now dependent on food aid.
The school tries to stimulate its 410 students and offers prizes to the best students.
In 2003 our 35 Euro donation was spent on: 18 A4 Maths Exercise Books, 23 A5 Maths Exercise Books, 62 A4 Writing Exercises Books, 9 A5 Writing Exercises Books, 26 Pens, 3 Pencils, 29 Rulers, 2 Soccer Balls and 1 T-shirt. Moments of Joy received a detailed list of what prizes went to which recipients in the different grades.