Their parents, often only the father or mother, are not able to take care of these children. Often these children have to do hard labor on the land or in a factory to work for their daily portion (a handful) of rice.
The 110 children live at our home and attend our school every day. We thought it would be wonderful to treat these kids, for the first time in their life, to a fun schooltrip.
Our home and school are situated in one of the poorest area's in India There are no amusementparks close to us. But a 3 hour bustrip away is an amusement parkk with swings and slides and rides. It was a lomg way but that did not stop us. Most of the kids never ever sat on a bus before so that was alraedy a great experience. After breakfast we packed our lemonade en cookies and started off on our adventure. Big busses, 110 children, and 6 teachers and volunteers. To get to the amusementpark we had to go to Bavani island. A small stretch of land in the middle of the river, so to get there we had to take a boat. The children were so excited because they never saw a boat before let alone be on one! On the island the children could play and climb, and jump on trampolines, go on swings and ride merry go rounds, they had the time of their lives!
After all that fun they had another treat; a 2 hour boattrip up the river. during this boattrip they had a lunch with curry and drinks. The boattrip was a great success because there was a lot to see on the riverbanks. Beautiful gardens and homes, so they could see how other people live.On the way back it was rather quiet compared to the trip that same morning because most kids fell a sleep with a beautiful smile on their face. They were so happy! Many many thanks for moments of joy for making this trip possible!
Marlies van Heese
namens sdwh
the original request:
the foundation 'Stichting Derde Wereld Hulp (SDWH)' helps in sheltering these orphans in Vijayawada, a city in the state Andhra Pradesh. the foundation helps poor children, streetchildren and orphans, disabled children and HIV/Aids infected children.
In order to help these children SDWH has built schools and orphanages and provides them with certain medication. This helps the children in building a better future for themselves. SDWH also helps families living in horrible condition in the nearby slums.