Report from the foundation 4AnakAnak, Jasri East-Bali, Indonesia
(the report is in Dutch but in short the foundation thanks Moments of Joy for their participation and has sent us a list of which children have been sponsored - Photographs included )
Donaties Moments of Joy voor Stichting 4AnakAnak Jasri Oost Bali
Februari 2018 is een bedrag van € 700,= gedoneerd door Moments of Joy aan de Stichting 4AnakAnak Jasri Oost Bali ter ondersteuning van kinderen om schoolkleding, boeken, etc. te kunnen aanschaffen. Daarvoor zeer veel dank!
Besloten is dat gelden die gedurende het schooljaar binnen komen, worden gebruikt voor donaties voor het komend schooljaar en daaropvolgend. In deze dus voor het schooljaar 2018/2019 en later.
Aan het begin van het schooljaar (juni / juli) en halverwege het schooljaar (november / december) wordt bekeken welke kinderen een donatie nodig hebben. Dit gaat in overleg met de directeur van de school. Dit voorjaar zijn er 9 kinderen toegevoegd aan de al bestaande lijst van gesponsorde kinderen.
Voor Moments of Joy zijn er 5 kinderen geselecteerd die door de donaties van Moments of Joy, in ieder geval, gedurende 2 jaar zullen worden gesponsord.
Nieuwe leerlingen per 10 juli 2018
Ni Kadek Dian Asuari
17 – 07 -2011
1 Moments of Joy
Ni Kadek Devi
13 – 10 - 2011
1 Moments of Joy
Ni Kadek Suci Ayunda
27 – 05 - 2010
Moments of Joy
I Wayan Stive Bud.
11 – 11 - 2011
1 Moments of Joy
I Wayan Arta Wiguna
20 – 03 - 2011
2 Moments of Joy
Bijgevoegd treffen jullie de foto’s.
Hartelijke groet,
namens het bestuur:
Gusta Boland Judith Wijnbergen
Voorzitter secretaris
there are 10 kids waiting for sponsors so they can go to primary school in Jasri, Bali
children from the poorest families in the hamlet of Jasri on Bali, Indonesia, age 6-12 go to 'school 6' which is the poorest school in town. This school has at the mment 115 pupils. 20 kids are already sponsored by de 4 Anak Anak Jasri foundation for the entire 4 years of the school curriculum.
4 Anak Anak JAsri is an organisation founded by Ruud and Jose vermeulen (former teachers) and its goal is to make education available even for the poorest children of Jasri. There are still 10 'new' kids on a waitinglist for 'school 6' for next year. the foundation wants to make sure that these kids can also enjoy being a child without worries due to financial problems their parents might have and that they can actually go to school and are not put to work to help with the families financial burdens.By giving financial support these children are given a chance for a better life.
To be able to go to these schools the parents have to pay schoolmoney and if they do not have the money they will try to borrow it thus creating debts they can never pay off.creating even more problems for their children. If a child gets a sponsor the accumulation of family debts can be prevented, but the most important thing is that the kids by getting an education will get a chance at a better paid job in the future.
Moments of Joy want to help achieving the goals set by the 4 Anak Anak Jasri foundation in getting these last 10 kids off the witinglist and getting them into the school for a good education.
Costs for a year in school, which includes books, writing materials, uniforms, sportsoutfits, shoes and a schoolbag amounts to € 70.--.
For a total of € 700.-- all 10 kids will be ensured of their first year in school. Because the foundation is actively looking for more sponsors to help out these children they have stated that the next 3 years will also be covered to keep these children in school.