Centro de Encontro is an independent NGO and organizes multiple activities for streetchildren in Maputo, Mozambique. Centro de Encontro was set up by Rene Boezaard from Holland in 1994 and in 2000 he transferred the project over to a Mozambican staff whom he trained himself. This staff works with many volunteers from the area.
Centro de Encontro has set up many projects in Maputo for the poor and homeless children of the city. There is a school which is the only chance for these kids to get an education. The school follows the mandatory state curriculum with a final exam and a diploma.
Unfortunately it is still difficult for children between the age of 14 to 20 years of age to find a job even a high school diploma is no guarantee for employment. Centro de Encontro therefore started a vocational school for boys and girls. The boys can go to a auto mechanics training and the girls can do a hairdressers/beauticians training.
Centro de Encontro also focuses on sports for these children and started a successful soccer school. ‘The Lions of Laulane’ is a club that plays in the regular city soccer league en has had many successful years. Players from the early years are now training the younger generation of their soccer club. There is even a girls team for which Moments of Joy supplied the shirts, shoes and soccer balls in previous years. And every year Centro de Encontro organises street festivals with music, theatre, a good meal, new clothing and lots of sports and games for these homeless children of Maputo.
All of the organisations activities are located on the outskirts of town and often at different locations, and stores and markets are mostly more in the center of the city therefore not close to the projects locations.
What is needed?
What is most urgent at this point is transportation to and from these locations. The organisation is looking for a reasonable bus or truck with the possibility of placing seats in the back. Up till now it was cheap to rent busses and trucks and the costs for renting was well within budget, but those days are gone. The prices for rental cars has risen tremendously over the past 3 years.
It would be great if Centro de Econtro could buy a second hand pick-up truck. An amount of €3000 is needed for this.