Video and baseball field for the King George VI, school and home for handicapped children, Zimbabwe
Most of the fysically handicapped children that visit this school are boarders.
They used to get full care, everything was done for them, but since the start of the ïndependent living programme a few years ago, tehy learn to live as independent as possible. Even heavily handicapped children leran to cook, wash and iron: this often demands a heartrendering effort from them but it does give them a better chance to survice if they have to go back to their often very poor homes after finishing school. In a lot of African countries it is a disgrace to have a handicapped child, it is seen as the result of bad behaviour of the parents, adultery of the mother being one of them. Many handicapped children are abandoned by their parents at a very young age and die. Others are hidden and live their lives in a small corner of locked up in a cupboard.
Luckily there are also many groups that try and break through the taboo of the handicapped child, but even if the parents do accept the child they don't have the money to pay for the school or the boarding, let alone the treatments, and consequently the KG VI Center always is short of money. A fundraising offensive of the board did help in paying for some extra "houses" and the start of a vegetable garden, but sports and music are understandably the lowest on the prioritylist. To be able to sport the children that are in wheelchairs need a asphalt sportfield, which Moments of Joy paid for. (2820 Euro)
And to facilitate the fundraising Moments of Joy edited the videomaterial they had to a videofilm (ca.500 Euro).